Utformning av ett verktyg för att nå cirkulära lösningar i byggprojekt
Författare: Johanna Koch, Agnes KristofferssonBeräknat färdigt: 2018-06
Handledare: Gabriel Johansson
Handledares företag/institution: Incoord
Ämnesgranskare: David Lingfors
Övrigt: -
Presentation av Johanna KochPresentationstid: 2018-06-11 12:15
Presentation av Agnes Kristoffersson
Presentationstid: 2018-06-11 13:15
Opponenter: Sabina Oehme, Fredrik Johnson
This master thesis aims to create a user-friendly Excel-based tool to help the co-workers at Incoord, a technology consulting company within the construction business, to implement circular economy in their projects. A literature studie was done focusing on the construction business, circular economy, earlier implemented circular projects and user-design experience. Interviews were held with the co-workers at Incoord to identify where and how circular economy can be implemented in the projects at Incoord. Also workshops and case-groups were held with the co-workers to set up the requirement specifications for user-design experience and to encourage the co-workers to come up with circular solutions. All of this resulted in a framework that included knowledge about user-design experience and questions encouraging circular solutions in the projects at Incoord. The framework was used when the digital tool was created in Excel. The tool was evaluated to make sure that it met the requirement specifications. It resulted in a tool consisting of parts, where solutions are adjusted depending on which area of expertise the user are working within. One part with circular solutions that can be made by Incoord themselves and one advocated to external actors, one focusing on circular material, within projects and to promote circular material to external actors, and one part to calculate the carbon dioxide reduction when reprocessing materials compared to making new. Points are collected depending on the answers in the different parts which gives the user a concluding result that shows how circular the current project can be.