Using smart energy storage to optimize profitability in Nordic solar farms
Författare: Amanda Bränström, Jonna SöderbergBeräknat färdigt: 2021-06
Handledare: Jonas Thyni
Handledares företag/institution: Thyni & Viketoft Innovation AB
Ämnesgranskare: Joakim Munkhammar
Övrigt: -
Presentation av Amanda BränströmPresentationstid: 2021-06-08 16:15
Presentation av Jonna Söderberg
Presentationstid: 2021-06-08 17:15
Opponenter: Sara Elfberg, Zack Klockar
variable renewable energy (VRE) sources in the electricity mix. Energy production from utilizing the photovoltaic effect, or PV power, is increasing rapidly and is visioned to cover 5 – 10 % of Sweden’s electricity demand in 2040. In addition to rooftop PV production, largescale PV production in the form of ground-mounted PV parks is gaining ground. A higher share of VRE in the power system creates new challenges as to uphold the power system stability. For a PV park owner, achieving a preferable economic outcome is also a challenge, as the variable electricity output may not match electricity demand. Therefore, combining a PV park with an energy storage, which can store the PV production energy, is seen as a favorable solution. This way, the variability of the electricity production can be reduced and the stored energy in the battery can be used for services benefitting both the PV park owner and the power grid.
This study aims to explore the economic potential of combining a PV park with an energy storage. This is achieved by simulating a lithium-ion (Li-ion) battery storage combined with PV production modeled after a 3.5 MW PV park located in Fyrislund, Uppsala. Five cases with individually differing approaches are simulated, exploring how so-called service stacking can be applied with a battery. The investigated services included in the cases are 1) lowering the cost of connecting the PV park to the power grid, 2) lowering the cost of feeding in energy to the power grid, 3) increasing the revenue of selling electricity on the Nord Pool spot market, 4) increasing the revenue by performing energy arbitrage, 5) increasing the revenue by participating in the primary frequency regulating markets to help stabilize the 50 Hz grid frequency.
The cases are evaluated by calculating the net present value (NPV) of the system over 10 years with an annual discount rate of 5 %. Battery capacities ranging from 0.1 MWh /0.1 MW to 8 MWh/2 MW are tested. The system configuration achieving the highest NPV occurs when all services are performed, and a 0.13 MWh/0.1 MW battery is used. This NPV is also higher than the NPV when not including a battery in the system. Conclusions include that the spot price impacts the choice of battery capacity to a high extent and that the battery investment cost motivates using a smaller-sized battery.