Potential of using thermal inertia in building envelope together with heat pumps as demand response
Författare: Sabina OehmeBeräknat färdigt: 2018-06
Handledare: Anders Lindgren
Handledares företag/institution: Vattenfall AB
Ämnesgranskare: Magnus Åberg
Övrigt: -
Presentatör: Sabina OehmePresentationstid: 2018-06-08 07:15
Opponent: Lisa Borggren
The aim of this thesis is to calculate and analyze the aggregated Swedish potential of using heat pumps in multi-dwelling buildings as a demand response in the electric grid. The aim is two folded where the first purpose is to develop a model in Matlab to simulate the user flexibility of heat pumps in multi-dwelling buildings and the second purpose is to answer the research question. The aggregated model, developed in this thesis, will be based on existing dynamic building models provided by Sandels (2016). Sandels’s qualitative simulation model, that generates electricity consumption profiles for Swedish residents living in multi-dwelling houses with electric heating systems, will serve as a base when developing the aggregated model. The aggregated potential of flexibility of heat pumps, arising from the thermal inertia of the building envelope, will be calculated for a distribution grid area and a electricity price region area. A future outlook and analysis of the heat pump market will be performed in order to generate future scenarios to simulate.