Implementering av NollCO2-certifiering – En fallstudie av en nybyggnation för att identifiera hur netto noll balans kan uppnås
Författare: Lisa Bäckström, Victoria BjellerupBeräknat färdigt: 2022-06
Handledare: Caroline Erström
Handledares företag/institution: ICA Fastigheter
Ämnesgranskare: Annica Nilsson
Övrigt: -
Presentation av Lisa BäckströmPresentationstid: 2022-06-02 10:15
Presentation av Victoria Bjellerup
Presentationstid: 2022-06-02 11:15
Opponenter: Agnes Bråve, Sara Särnblad
This study aims to examine the demands of the new NollCO2-certification from a practical point of view and to identify what it would mean for a real estate company to NollCO2-certify all new constructions. Through thorough investigation of a case study object, rooted in the current perspective at ICA Fastigheter both climate impact and possible climate actions are analyzed, searching for the optimal way to reach net zero balance.
By executing several life cycle assessments and sensitivity analyses, both performed by use of Microsoft Excel, the carbon footprint of the case study building is evaluated within the NollCO2-certification framework. Possibilities surrounding energy efficiency measures in existing buildings as well as project initiated, and grid delivered renewable electricity is examined in relation to the established framework and the habitual sustainability work at ICA Fastigheter.
The result shows that there are many possibilities to decrease a buildings carbon footprint, by choosing materials with less carbon emissions such as green concrete or fiberglass insulation. With effective energy usage, supplied from a green energy source, the climate impact can be further reduced to approximately 415 tons CO2eq in comparison to the case study buildings original 487 tons CO2eq. To reach net zero balance offsite energy production can be installed, a solar park would need to produce 504 958 – 657 441 kWh which would demand approximately 15 000 – 20 000 square meters and cost 3,8 – 4,7 million Swedish crowns. If ICA Fastigheter instead chooses to invest in wind power, the energy production needed would be 486 487 – 633 845 kWh, approximately 3% of the total production of an average windmill in Sweden. By investing in efficiency measures in existing buildings net zero balance would be reached with the expected expenses being a minimum of 7,6 million Swedish crowns.
When analyzing the result of this case study it is evident that NollCO2-certifying is a possibility for ICA Fastigheter, however as of now, there are much to many estimations for the result to be reliable. When taking ICA Fastigheter’s current long-term plans into account it is evident that the most suitable climate action is taking efficiency measures in existing buildings. Efforts to increase energy efficiency in the real estate portfolio currently has a functioning workflow, but much must be altered for it to work as a sufficient climate action when increasing the number of new constructions aiming for the NollCO2-certification.