Apply Machine Learning to Improve Inter-Instrument Agreement for Spectrophotometers
Författare: Angelica Elvin, Therese OlssonBeräknat färdigt: 2020-02
Handledare: Emil Bergwik
Handledares företag/institution: NCS Colour AB
Ämnesgranskare: Andreas Lindholm
Övrigt: -
Presentation av Angelica ElvinPresentationstid: 2020-02-26 16:15
Presentation av Therese Olsson
Presentationstid: 2020-02-26 17:15
Opponenter: Sofia Skoghagen, Malin Sjöberg
The aim of this study is to the investigate how machine learning can be implemented to improve inter-model agreement between two spectrophotometers. Models within supervised learning are used and evaluated with colorimetric metrics. The work is conducted at NCS Colour AB, a Stockholm based company that works with colour communication and colour quality.