Energigemenskap i Enköpings kommun- En studie om drivkrafter och hinder att initiera och driva energigemenskap
Författare: Anna FrostvikBeräknat färdigt: 2024-05
Handledare: Håkan Johansson
Handledares företag/institution: eQUALS
Ämnesgranskare: Cajsa Bartusch Kätting
Övrigt: -
Presentatör: Anna FrostvikPresentationstid: 2024-05-30 11:15
Opponent: Moa Levin
In 2019 EU introduced new regulations on the energy market and frameworks for new energy initiatives
by introducing the Clean Energy Package. The package aims to serve as a framework for how member
states promote renewable energy, increase energy efficiency, and create a more integrated and sustainable
energy market. One of the frameworks introduced is energy communities. As the trend shifts from
centralized and fossil-fueled systems to decentralized systems with increasing renewable energy
production, new challenges have arisen for the electrical system. These challenges require innovative
energy solutions, such as energy communities. Energy communities are a way to provide organizational
frameworks for collective energy initiatives. Energy communities involve local stakeholders connecting
nearby buildings into a smaller electrical system where they can produce, share, and store energy.
Enköping municipality is interested in exploring the potential of energy communities within their new
urban districts called Norra Myran and Aros Park. In this thesis, the driving forces and barriers among
stakeholders to initiate and operate an energy community in Norra Myran and Aros Park are studied. The
selected stakeholders within the thesis are: Enköping municipality, politicians, property developers,
landowners, and electricity companies. The empirical data is collected through a qualitative approach
built on qualitative observations and interviews with the stakeholders. The analysis is based on the
empirical data, contextualized within a theoretical framework built upon previous research on energy
communities. The analysis adopts a sociotechnical approach, which involves analyzing technical, social,
and legal factors. To understand the potential development paths in Enköping municipality and achieve
positive outcomes, it is essential to understand how the factors within the sociotechnical system of energy
communities integrate and influence each other. The thesis concludes that the driving forces and barriers
among the stakeholders in Enköping to initiate and operate an energy community can be summarized in
four aspects. Identified driving forces are summarized as: Energy-and innovation interest, Energy and
climate goals, Renewable energy, and Active consumer. Identified barriers are summarized as:
Identification of “why”, roles and responsibilities, collaboration model, and laws and regulations.