Autonoma fordon och last mile-tjänster i kollektivtrafiken
Författare: Felicia HökarsBeräknat färdigt: 2019-01
Handledare: Magnus Hjälmdahl
Handledares företag/institution: Sweco AB
Ämnesgranskare: Anders Arweström Jansson
Övrigt: -
Presentatör: Felicia HökarsPresentationstid: 2019-01-09 13:15
Opponent: Katarina Holmqvist Evans
The introduction of autonomous vehicles in the transportation system have the power to radically change individuals’ mobility patterns. Several scientists claim that the most sustainable way to incorporate autonomous vehicles in cities is to complement high capacity public transportation with the autonomous vehicles. In that model different types of autonomous vehicles would serve as feeders to and from stations. The aim of this thesis was to investigate how autonomous shuttle busses can complement public transportation in Sweden. The theoretical framework Technological Innovation Systems (TIS) was used in order to analyze the development, diffusion and use of the autonomous shuttle busses. Public transportation actors, public authorities, municipalizes, bus manufactures and academia was consider as important actors within the system and the main networks were identified between these actors. In the study qualitative interviews was conducted with representatives from each actor group. The thesis suggest that the development is in an early development phase with immature technology and low performance versus price. The driving forces for development are the potential of operational cost reduction, scalability, and increased service and flexibility for the user. The pilot tests with autonomous busses that have been conducted in Stockholm and Göteborg have played an important role in order to coordinate actors and create networks for knowledge diffusion. Identified blocking mechanism found are the complicated process of obtaining permission for conducting tests and uncertainties around technology development and use.